dramadice.com tabletop RPG blog
We’re finally live! Dramadice.com, a blog for pen and paper RPG gamemasters and storytellers, went online in August 2020. From now on we’ll be providing you with GMing advice, reviews and news from the tabletop RPG scene. The focus of dramadice will be on story-heavy, rules-light RPGs and indie systems. But rest assured, most of the topics we cover apply to traditional roleplaying games like Dungeons and Dragons too. There’ll be new posts every 3-4 weeks. So make sure to drop by regularly or follow us on social media for the latest updates.
GM tips + blog + wiki
DramaDice.com is split up into these sections:
GMing advice
Tips and inspiration for new and veteran GMs. Look out for topics such as how to create immersion, game session preparation, making handouts, etc. We’ll also cover inter-personal issues like how to handle toxic players or balancing spotlight between the players. Read more…
The blog section will provide news, system reviews and game session recaps with a considerable amount of private opinion. We want to keep the blog section personal, to give you an idea of what’s going on behind the scenes. Read more…
RPG Wiki
What is OSR or PBTA? What does pacing or bleed mean? We’ll explain these and more RPG-related technical terms and buzzwords in the wiki-section. Read more…
Why another blog about pen and paper RPGs?
On the web there are hundreds of good blogs and threads in forums and social media groups about how to be a “good GM”. They are super fragmented. And often they’ll leave you with a lot of different tips and opinions about a subject. But specific recommendations about which tricks and techniques work best in reality are rather rare.
This is where we try a different approach. We are going to scan all the storytelling tips out there in discussions, blogposts and podcasts, and also talk to the most experienced GMs in the tabletop RPG scene. We’ll then take this knowledge and share it in high quality articles about specific GMing topics. Not only are we giving you a broad spectrum of tips. We’ll also tell you which of them is worth spending time on. How complex is it to make a certain prop? How much time should I invest into preparing background music? What will have the biggest impact on your games? These are just some of the points we’ll be focussing on here.
Why do we do all this? Because we love pen and paper roleplaying games and the whole TTRPG community. It’s most likely the best hobby on Earth
Who is behind all of this?
Hey there, this is me, Thomas. Tabletop RPGs are my favourite hobby. I am fascinated by this unique mix of storytelling, creativity and playing a game at a table with good friends. I’ve been playing pen and paper rpgs for over 20 years now, most of the time behind the GM screen. What I enjoy most is interesting characters, conflicts of interest between the player characters and moral dilemmas the group has to face within the story.
After all these years of playing and GMing, tabletop RPGs never ceased to fascinate me. And now I’d like to share my passion through this blog. I hope I can contribute to the great community behind this hobby.
For more information about me check out the “about us” section.
Future topics – What would you like to read?
We’ve got a long to-do list for additional topics, which should keep us busy for a year or two. But we’d also like to include our readers’ thoughts. So send us your ideas for new content.
Got a request for a specific topic? Let us know. Post your ideas in the comments, on our social channels or send us an e-mail. I’ll add them to our editorial schedule.
Stay up-to-date – follow us
Never miss a new GM tip or blogpost. Discuss GMing-related questions with the community.
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GM tips + tabletop rpg blog + rpg wiki
Go-live: August 2020
GM tips + tabletop rpg blog + rpg wiki
Go-live: August 2020
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